FH Meeting re Proposed OP Amendments

Please plan to attend the Friday Harbour Public Meeting on Wednesday April 11 at 7pm at Town Hall Council Chambers. You will have an opportunity in the Open Forum on Wednesday to make your opinion on FH’s proposed changes to town and county councils. If you are unable to attend the meeting, your comments may also be submitted as follows:

Email: planning@innisfil.ca
Visit:  Town Hall during regular business hours
Phone:  705.436.3740

FH is asking for extensive changes to its currently approved plan for the Marina Village – i.e. 1000 more residential units (1600 to 2600); an indoor-outdoor theatre; reduced retail/commercial in mixed-use buildings; stand-alone commercial buildings in certain zones; parking structure height increase from 2 to 3 storeys; 300 more residential units (from current 1200 to 1500) to be built before hotel facilities are built plus modified phasing requirements; additional units to be accommodated through internal road alignments, increased on-site parking, updated phasing policies. FH is also proposing major changes to the Golf Course to permit additional ‘amenity’; recreational; conference facilities; spa, health and wellness facilities; various retail and service uses.
It is expected that the final decision on these applications will be made at a future council meeting in May.

FYI: Below is the link to the proposed Town Official Plan Amendment and the proposed Town Zoning By-law Amendments:

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