IDA in “Orbit Potential and Innovation Plan” workshop

The IDA participated in an “Orbit Potential and Innovation Plan” workshop hosted by the Town Planning Department and the Orbit Planning firm’s experts.

Aerial view of The OPrbit

There were break-out groups where we were able to contribute our ideas about sustainability, retail spaces, recreation, green spaces, transportation, and other issues. We expressed our issues about the effects of the project on Lake Simcoe, the removal of farmland and possibly Natural Heritage Features as well as traffic congestion.

Staff says the Orbit is intended to:

  • grow in a way that shapes development to prevent sprawl,
  • support sustainability and protect the environment.
  • Orbit will “achieve a healthy community through design for active transportation, low-impact development, water management, and energy conservation, complemented by open spaces for both active and passive recreation”.

Orbit could house up to 150,000 people: The plan showed two concentric circles around the GO station. The minimum density for the first circle (approximately 250m in diameter) had a minimum population density of 2600 people. The second circle (approximately 450m) had a minimum density of 5100 people, Beyond that, there was a large area that is currently farmland that must accommodate a minimum of 15,000 people. The proposed build-out date was 2050 and beyond with the completed project potentially housing up to 150,000 people.
Work on the GO station may be starting as early as 2023.
Many More Public Meetings: There will be many more opportunities for the public to participate in the process going forward. As you may know, there is a First Nations challenge and judicial review of the MZO that was granted to allow the project to begin. The hearing will take place in September.
Draft Release of the Orbit Sustainable Development Plan and Checklist 

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