MCR Feedback Moves from Town to County Council

Municipal Comprehensive Review Feedback Moves from Town to County Council

At the December 8th town council meeting, delegations of individuals and organizations provided input re the MCR. 
Councillor Alex Waters brought forward an amendment inspired by the Innisfil District Association and shared in the open forum segment of the meeting by IDA Director Ross Pityk. 
Pityk spoke against the idea of removing the natural heritage systems from the municipality, especially the smaller 30- to 40-acre patches of wetlands and woodlands, proposed by the county.  “They don’t get the protection they deserve,” he said.  “Many of these lands are rich in biodiversity and part of natural heritage corridors.  Some of these smaller wetlands act as natural flood barriers and are features that don’t cost the council any money for flood mitigation.”  He also spoke in support of the Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition’s delegation from Claire Malcolmson. 
Malcolmson talked about the county’s registered plans for subdivisions, some of which date back to the 1920s and has worked with town staff to get these off the books.  Re the natural heritage sites, particularly around Big Bay Point, she said “This is an area of high-quality natural cover.  This is our biggest shoreline forest and we can’t afford to lose it.”   Water’s amendment followed.
She also hoped the town would be successful in its request for the built boundary, seeing more intensification within the existing smaller settlements so that they can become more walkable and support public transit, moves that will have a strong environmental impact.  This approach is preferable to creating new development land within our rural and forested areas. 
Innisfil was to deliver its comments on the MCR, reflecting the concerns of its citizens, to the County of Simcoe by January 14th

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