Request to remove 300-day Residency Restriction Approved.
On Sept. 23, the town council agreed to allow property owners at Friday Harbour to become full-time permanent residents, wiping out the 300-day restriction that has been in place since 2007.
This move reinforces the fact that Friday Harbour is a resort community. While the proposed amendment would remove the 300-day occupancy restrictions for unit owners, the amenities within the community would be geared towards short-term and seasonal visitors to the resort.
Current and future owners must acknowledge that schools and community facilities that are typically provided within complete communities within permanent Settlement Areas will not be provided within Friday Harbour.
Part of the agreement includes the establishment of a firm set of rules regarding short- and medium-term rental of units. A new formalized rental program must be devised by the end of 2021.
No changes were proposed to the development itself, including the number of resort residential units (2600 maximum), hotel units (minimum 400), or minimum requirements for recreational or commercial facilities.