UPDATE: More information on Town’s Sustainability plan
As reported in an earlier e-blast, the IDA attended an Integrated Sustainability Master Plan (ISMP) focus group meeting, held by the Town of Innisfil.
Innisfil is one of only a handful of municipalities that has a ‘Sustainable’ development strategy, and a dedicated resource to direct and administer the plan.
Based on three pillars: Mitigation, Adaptation and Operation Sustainability, the timeline for completion is 2023.
Since that initial meeting, a residents’ group met independently to discuss next steps, and a small group met with the new Innisfil CAO, Oliver Jerschow. Citizen involvement is key to ‘setting direction’ and introducing key ideas and opportunities.
To follow up on information provided during the meeting, please find a copy of the presentation here: https://Roadmap to Sustainability
Additionally, a second round of engagement on the ISMP will be conducted prior to final policy adoption, in 2023.