Author: Tim Clark
What are your issues?
Battling for the repeal of Bill 23

Battling for the repeal of Bill 23 On November 28th, 2022, the Provincial government passed Bill 23, the “More Homes Built Faster Act.” Amongst many other measures, this bill proposes to remove 7400 acres from the current Greenbelt, and significantly reduce development revenues from developers. This shortfall in revenues will likely come…
We Think You Should Know…
Earlier last month an IDA representative attended the Innisfil launch of the RVH “Keep Life Wild” campaign. The goal is to raise 100 million dollars to support RVH’s expansion plans. A key component of these plans is to build a brand new health care facility in Innisfil, the largest community…
Last Words…
Last Words… On behalf of the Board of Directors, we extend our best wishes to the 2022-2026 Council. Also on behalf of the Board of Directors, we extend our warmest holiday wishes to each and every member of the IDA community. We thank you for your continued support of the…
2022 AGM President’s Remarks
I am again honoured to be addressing you as President and extend a warm welcome to guests and prospective new members. For those unfamiliar with our organization, the IDA has been a part of the Innisfil community for over 50 years. We are vocal community leaders; a valued source of information for other citizens groups…
UPDATE: More information on Town’s Sustainability plan

UPDATE: More information on Town’s Sustainability plan As reported in an earlier e-blast, the IDA attended an Integrated Sustainability Master Plan (ISMP) focus group meeting, held by the Town of Innisfil. Innisfil is one of only a handful of municipalities that has a ‘Sustainable’ development strategy, and a dedicated resource…
Lake Simcoe Champion – Claire Malcolmson

At the recent IDA Annual General Meeting, the board of directors introduced what will become an annual award for Lake Simcoe Champions. Named in memory of long-time director and undoubted champion of the lake, Mary-Jane Brinkos, the award recipients will display the same drive and determination to protect Lake Simcoe…
Last Words…
Last Words… As with the last five decades, the IDA has helped many residents navigate change. We are committed to continuing that legacy. We thank you for your continued support of the work we do. As always, if this message resonates with you in any way, please reach out, call,…